Celebrity IOU Season 9 Episode 03 Description
Sarah Silverman Breaks a Kitchen
Sarah Silverman’s Kitchen. Sarah Silverman links up with Jonathan and Drew to sneak in a renovation for her best friend. Sarah brings the jokes and jackhammer to give a refresh to the living spaces in her friend’s dark and dated townhome.
Celebrity IOU All Seasons
Celebrity IOU Season 7
Celebrity IOU Season 9
Episode 01 | Episode 02 | Episode 03 | Episode 04 | Episode 05 | Episode 06 | Episode 07 | Episode 08
Celebrity IOU Show Summary
Celebrity IOU is a TV series where Hollywood celebrities surprise their friends and family with big, heartwarming home renovations by the Property Brothers, a popular home-improvement duo. The series features celebrities such as Brad Pitt, Rebel Wilson, and Victoria Tonelli, and has 7 seasons and 48 episodes.