Taskmaster is a British comedy panel game show created by comedian and musician Alex Horne and presented by both Horne and Greg Davies. In the programme, a group of five celebrities – mainly comedians – attempt to complete a series of challenges, with Horne acting as umpire in each challenge, and Davies judging the work and awarding points based on contestants’ performances. The concept for the programme was first created by Horne for the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in 2010; he later secured a deal with Dave to adapt it for television, with the first episode premiering in 2015. After the ninth series in 2019, the programme was acquired by Channel 4, who commissioned six new series to be broadcast over the following three years.

Taskmaster proved a success on British television, spawning a tie-in book and board game, and leading to the creation of international versions of the programme in Belgium, Sweden, Spain, Denmark, Norway, Finland, the United States, and New Zealand. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Horne hosted #HomeTasking, a series of tasks for people to film in their own homes; for each task, a montage of attempts was posted on YouTube that featured Davies awarding points to his favourite entries.

Taskmaster All Seasons
Taskmaster Season 14

Episode 01 | Episode 02 | Episode 03 | Episode 04 | Episode 05 | Episode 06 | Episode 07 | Episode 08 | Episode 09 | Episode 10

Taskmaster Season 15

Episode 01 | Episode 02 | Episode 03 | Episode 04 | Episode 05 | Episode 06 | Episode 07 | Episode 08 | Episode 09 | Episode 10

Taskmaster Season 16

Episode 01 | Episode 02 | Episode 03 | Episode 04 | Episode 05 | Episode 06 | Episode 07 | Episode 08 | Episode 09 | Episode 10

Taskmaster Season 17

Episode 01 | Episode 02 | Episode 03 | Episode 04 | Episode 05 | Episode 06 | Episode 07 | Episode 08 | Episode 09 | Episode 10

Taskmaster AU All Seasons
Taskmaster AU Season 01

Episode 01 | Episode 02 | Episode 03 | Episode 04 | Episode 05 | Episode 06 | Episode 07 | Episode 08 | Episode 09 | Episode 10

Taskmaster AU Season 02

Episode 01 | Episode 02 | Episode 03 | Episode 04 | Episode 05 | Episode 06 | Episode 07 | Episode 08 | Episode 09 | Episode 10

Taskmaster NZ All Seasons
Taskmaster NZ Season 04

Episode 01 | Episode 02 | Episode 03 | Episode 04 | Episode 05 | Episode 06 | Episode 07 | Episode 08 | Episode 09 | Episode 10

Taskmaster NZ Season 05

Episode 01 | Episode 02 | Episode 03 | Episode 04 | Episode 05 | Episode 06 | Episode 07 | Episode 08 | Episode 09 | Episode 10

Taskmaster Australia
Fun Shows Taskmaster Taskmaster Australia Taskmaster Australia Season 01

Taskmaster Australia Season 01 Episode 02 Watch Free Online

Taskmaster Australia Season 01 Episode 02 Description In this episode, the contestants must bring in the most satisfying thing to touch, let the cat out of the bag, make an older family member hang up on them, do the bravest thing with a ream of paper, and de-pineapple some pizzas. There is also a thrilling […]

Taskmaster Australia
Fun Shows Taskmaster Taskmaster Australia Taskmaster Australia Season 01

Taskmaster Australia Season 01 Episode 01 Watch Free Online

Taskmaster Australia Season 01 Episode 01 Description In this inaugural episode of the first season of Taskmaster AU, the contestants must bring in the most beautiful thing, remove a balloon from a caravan, create a one minute montage of their lives, fill a glass with orange juice, and throw, boot, bowl, flick, or propel items […]

Taskmaster Australia
Fun Shows Taskmaster Taskmaster Australia Taskmaster Australia Season 01

Taskmaster Australia Season 01 Episode 10 Watch Free Online

Taskmaster Australia Season 01 Episode 10 Description We’re going all out in tonight’s finale. Christmas is ruined, aubergines are stabbed, cities are destroyed, and our first Aussie champion will be crowned. Who will win Tom Gleeson’s giant golden head? Taskmaster All Seasons Taskmaster Season 14 Taskmaster AU All Seasons Taskmaster AU Season 01 Episode 01 […]

Taskmaster Australia
Fun Shows Taskmaster Taskmaster Australia Taskmaster Australia Season 01

Taskmaster Australia Season 01 Episode 09 Watch Free Online

Taskmaster Australia Season 01 Episode 09 Description Fabulous Taskmaster Tom Gleeson puts five funny folk to the test, with Julia Morris, Luke McGregor, Jimmy Rees, Nina Oyama and Danielle Walker undergoing a range of hilarious tasks for our amusement. Taskmaster All Seasons Taskmaster Season 14 Taskmaster AU All Seasons Taskmaster AU Season 01 Episode 01 […]

Taskmaster Australia
Fun Shows Taskmaster Taskmaster Australia Taskmaster Australia Season 01

Taskmaster Australia Season 01 Episode 08 Watch Free Online

Taskmaster Australia Season 01 Episode 08 Description Dumb in Unison Fabulous Taskmaster Tom Gleeson puts five funny folk to the test, with Julia Morris, Luke McGregor, Jimmy Rees, Nina Oyama and Danielle Walker undergoing a range of hilarious tasks for our amusement. Taskmaster All Seasons Taskmaster Season 14 Taskmaster AU All Seasons Taskmaster AU Season […]

Taskmaster Australia
Fun Shows Taskmaster Taskmaster Australia Taskmaster Australia Season 01

Taskmaster Australia Season 01 Episode 07 Watch Free Online

Taskmaster Australia Season 01 Episode 07 Description Fabulous Taskmaster Tom Gleeson puts five funny folk to the test, with Julia Morris, Luke McGregor, Jimmy Rees, Nina Oyama and Danielle Walker undergoing a range of hilarious tasks for our amusement. Taskmaster All Seasons Taskmaster Season 14 Taskmaster AU All Seasons Taskmaster AU Season 01 Episode 01 […]

Taskmaster Australia
Fun Shows Taskmaster Taskmaster Australia Taskmaster Australia Season 01

Taskmaster Australia Season 01 Episode 06 Watch Free Online

Taskmaster Australia Season 01 Episode 06 Description Fabulous Taskmaster Tom Gleeson puts five funny folk to the test, with Julia Morris, Luke McGregor, Jimmy Rees, Nina Oyama and Danielle Walker undergoing a range of hilarious tasks for our amusement. Taskmaster All Seasons Taskmaster Season 14 Taskmaster AU All Seasons Taskmaster AU Season 01 Episode 01 […]

Taskmaster Australia
Fun Shows Taskmaster Taskmaster Australia Taskmaster Australia Season 01

Taskmaster Australia Season 01 Episode 05 Watch Free Online

Taskmaster Australia Season 01 Episode 05 Description Are you okay Fabulous Taskmaster Tom Gleeson puts five funny folk to the test, with Julia Morris, Luke McGregor, Jimmy Rees, Nina Oyama and Danielle Walker undergoing a range of hilarious tasks for our amusement. Taskmaster All Seasons Taskmaster Season 14 Taskmaster AU All Seasons Taskmaster AU Season […]

Taskmaster Australia
Fun Shows Taskmaster Taskmaster Australia Taskmaster Australia Season 01

Taskmaster Australia Season 01 Episode 04 Watch Free Online

Taskmaster Australia Season 01 Episode 04 Description Boom Boom Boom Boom Fabulous Taskmaster Tom Gleeson puts five funny folk to the test, with Julia Morris, Luke McGregor, Jimmy Rees, Nina Oyama and Danielle Walker undergoing a range of hilarious tasks for our amusement. Taskmaster All Seasons Taskmaster Season 14 Taskmaster AU All Seasons Taskmaster AU […]

Taskmaster Australia
Fun Shows Taskmaster Taskmaster Australia Taskmaster Australia Season 01

Taskmaster Australia Season 01 Episode 03 Watch Free Online

Taskmaster Australia Season 01 Episode 03 Description In this episode, the contestants must bring in the thing they’d most like to be buried with, fly a flip-flop as far as possible, transform into twins or triplets, perform a passionate cricket appeal, and convince the Taskmaster to give them 5 points. Title context The ‘cricket master’ […]

Fun Shows Taskmaster Taskmaster Season 14

Taskmaster Season 14 Episode 02 Watch Free Online

Taskmaster Season 14 Episode 02 Description Munya Chawawa falls in a bath, Sarah Millican searches for a door, and Alex Horne is as happy as a sandboy when he gets to supervise tasks involving admin, ducks and messy flour! Enormous hugeness 1 Prize: Best thing you nearly keep throwing away but can’t quite bring yourself to. […]